Sunday 1 February 2015

How to Start a Small Construction or General Contracting Business

Interested in getting into the construction business? Now might be the time, with market forecasts  predicting a steady rise in the value of the construction industry over the next five years – 12.5 percent annually for residential construction and 13 percent for private non-residential construction.
If you’re interested in starting a construction, home improvement, or contracting business, here are some business and regulatory basics you need to be aware of.
10 Steps to Starting (any) Business
Start by familiarizing yourself with the basic steps involved in planning and forming any kind of business, including planning your business strategy, incorporating and registering with the right government agencies. Read these essential 10 Steps to Starting a Business from
Get Licensed, Bonded, and Insured
Protect yourself, your business and your clients by ensuring you have the right licenses and permits, business insurance, and surety bonds. Here are three reasons why and information on how to obtain them:
1)       Business Licenses and Permits – In addition to a general business license, most construction or contracting businesses need specific licenses to operate legally. For example, a tradesman license is required for electrical, plumbing,  gas fitting, and other construction  trades.
Use this handy search tool – “Permit Me” – to identify the exact license and permits you'll need.  Just enter your zip code and business type. Local government websites also list this information and can guide you through what you’ll need.
2)       Surety Bonds – A surety bond is not something many business owners think about, but in almost all cases, construction businesses need construction bonds in order to operate legally.  You arrange for a surety bond from a third party who promises to pay your client if you do not fulfill your work obligations under a contract. Bond regulations vary by state, so research your state’s requirements or speak to a reputable surety bond agent. If you are unable to secure a bond through a commercial channel, SBA offers its own Surety Bond Guarantee program that can help.
3)       Insurance – Depending on the nature of your work and whether you employ workers directly, you will need several types of business insurance. Consider getting general liability insurance as well as vehicle and property insurance. This will protect you against claims for personal injury and property damage, and cover the costs of legal proceedings. Individual states also require businesses to carry specific insurance, such as workers' compensation insurance, unemployment and state disability insurance. Read this article for more information on business insurance: Business Liability Insurance – Tips for Protecting your Assets with the Right Coverage.

Familiarize Yourself with Construction Industry Regulations
From energy efficiency standards to workplace safety regulations, the construction industry is heavily regulated. Read's Construction Industry Guide, which compiles everything you need to know in one place.
Develop an Occupational Health and Safety Plan
The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requires that construction workers are provided a safe workplace free from recognized hazards. Fortunately, the website offers a variety of tools and services that can help you comply and develop a safe workplace. These include on-site consultations, training, and more. Read more in SBA’s Workplace Safety and Health guide. Check out these quick reference resources, too:
  • Finding and Hiring Labor
The construction industry generally secures labor from four sources – subcontractors, hired employees, labor brokers, or independent contractors. Of course, the law differs in how you work with each of these. For example, when hiring employees, you’ll take on additional obligations such as withholding taxes, paying wages, benefits, complying with employment law, and so on. To get you started read, 10 Steps to Hiring your First Employee on
While there are no specific laws governing how you work with subcontractors, you may wish to draw up a contractual agreement and ensure that they, too, are licensed, bonded, and insured.
If you engage a broker to find labor, you will pay the broker directly. If you hire independent contractors (self-employed individuals), you will pay them directly but, unlike employees, you are not responsible for paying benefits or withholding taxes. There are strict tax reporting requirements for working with independent contractors.