Friday 23 January 2015

    Being an entrepreneur can be fascinating and also overwhelming at times and before you start
Let’s get started exploring some more cool business ideas:

1. Aquarium Maintenance:

People buy aquariums out of love for fishes or just as showpieces in their homes. Whatever the case maybe, aquariums need maintenance and not everyone who owns them, like to do that. You can offer your services for aquarium maintenance, if you too are a fish lover and know how to deal with fishes. Initially you will need to network and market yourself hard since the aquarium suppliers themselves offer the maintenance services, but you can start with a lower quote. This is one cool business idea that requires just your love and knowledge about fishes and very little money, since the products you use to clean the aquariums are not very expensive. If it goes well you very well, you can start your own fish-aquarium supply and setup business.

2. Franchising:

If you have some amount of cash to invest in a business you can look out for some franchise options by already established businesses. At times certain businesses require very high investments and hence their franchise may not be feasible, but there are certain products like ayurvedic products, ice cream parlours etc that require less money to take up their franchisee. Also there are options where in you can rent out certain products supplied by the company, and all you need is a place to store them. They will market and promote and have your place listed in their centres. These could be clothes, toys etc.

3. Pet sitting:

Pet sitting may sound a bit strange, but it is a good small business idea if you think of it. If you love pets, then you can start this home based business since the investment is next to nothing. Generally when pet owners travel for vacations or other reasons they look out for people who can ‘baby-sit’ their beloved pets. You could be that person and charge a small fee for it. At times you do not even need to spend on their food as owners will provide their food packets to you. The only thing you need is a decently spacious house or a place that does cram up their pets and in case you live in a housing society, the society should give permission for the same. Also be sure to not mess with their pets.

4. Renting unique clothes/selling custom made costumes:

Clothes rental is a business in existence since ages and there are already big names in it. However with changing trends and new events and themes catching up, there is a dearth of relevant clothes. For instance an even called Comicon, never used to happen in India, but has been popular abroad for years. It is taking place in India for a couple of years now, and people require the weirdest of costumes and makeup for the event. Superhero costumes, body paints, temporary tattoos, custom made costumes and so on. Also with parents becoming more expressive about their kid’s birthdays and throwing theme parties, supplying different theme based costumes, or providing customized dresses is surely a cool business idea for the entrepreneur in you.

5. Real estate Consultant:

Real estate is always a darling of many but not all can invest in it and reap the rewards of this industry. However, you can still be associated with it by being a consultant. There are prerequisites though. You need to obtain a license for being a real estate consultant and you have to be well versed in the surrounding areas. You will also have to network with other real estate consultants. Certain properties maybe available with others and when your clients need something similar, you will have to work with those consultants who have them, and share the commission. The standard rate of 1 to 2 % is what you can make on the total amount of deal.

6. Teaching SEO:

In the previous post on small business ideas, we touched on the topics of  If you are someone who is interested in these but don’t have the time nor can find a niche you can target with your blog, worry not; just become an SEO consultant for others who need to start their own blog or need SEO advice. If you are well aware of how to start a blog, what is SEO, how to go about keyword targeting and build an audience, you can start to consult and teach people that. There is a huge population who wants to learn all this.

7. Ecommerce Portal:

If you want a home based business idea that can deal with supplying goods and services without having to rent out shop or showroom, ecommerce portal can be a good option. There various online stores and if you feel you cannot compete with them, then find a niche or something that these stores do not offer. Once you do that, building an ecommerce site is not that difficult. There are templates available that you can load on your website and you are good to go. Also for billing, initially you can provide cash on delivery option and then if the business picks up you can start online billing, by tying up with various billing portals.
event management small business idea

8. Birthdays and Wedding Planning:

Another cool business idea is to organize and manage events like birthdays and weddings. Unique themes and ideas sell fast and if you can think out of the box and are able to find people who can customize your stuff the way you envision and have a logistic support, even management is a good option to start journey as an entrepreneur. You will need to have a good network of vendors and suppliers of various requirements from flowers to cake and all in between. Logistics and time management skills will take you far in this business. Again the investment is not that much. You can rent a small office and also a website where you can list your portfolio and communicate with the clients.

Starting a home based business can be exciting as well as overwhelming as you encounter new challenges every day. However look at it as your opportunity to be an entrepreneur. The best small business idea is to start with something you love doing as the chances of you going farther in something you are passionate about are higher.
If you have some small business ideas that you would like to share, feel free to post them in the comments below.

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